Category Nom or Vom

Nom or Vom: Another Holiday Delight


960067_10201471622127265_1500428319_nI’ve heard that pecan pie can be difficult to make so it gels correctly; I’ve never gone to the trouble to make it myself, and now I don’t have to since Pringles stepped up with a pecan pie flavored chip. It’s pie, but it’s also a snack! Dessert you can eat alongside your sandwich, or if you’re bold, IN your sandwich!

Pros: You don’t have to fiddle around making pie, the comforts of two comfort foods at once.

Cons: Not quite a sweet, not quite a savory, inhabits that no-man’s land of the inbetween snacks that have a place neither during nor after a meal.

Would you eat pecan pie pringles?

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Nom or Vom: Tis the Season

Oh Babe, you're even sweeter than usual!
Oh Babe, you’re even sweeter than usual!


Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. Much in the same manner, every time someone says “Bacon is SO over,” another bacon product is introduced. This one combines pork products and sugar to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the pork for the pigs that were in the manger, and the sugar is, I don’t know, the baby Jesus’ sweetness or some shit like that. You know and I know that artificial bacon tastes nothing like bacon, it’s all strange smoky aftertaste and none of the crackling fat flavor that got you to love bacon in the first place. That said, it is bacon CANDY, so it’s not supposed to replicate bacon faithfully, just be vaguely reminiscent of bacon. What say you? Would you eat this? Or would you gag if you found one in your stocking?

Would you eat bacon candy canes?

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NOM OR VOM: “Do I smell vodka…and wheatgrass?”

Bless this new flavored vodka trend, because it’s giving me endless Nom or Vom cannon fodder. Why have one or two vodkas in your cabinet when you can have twenty, none of which go with the mixers you have on hand?

Aah, PB&J. Lunchbox staple as a child, comfort food that gets you hammered as an adult. But do you drink PB&J vodka neat? Otherwise, what in the hell do you mix it with? Not even the Van Gogh website seems to know, suggesting that you mix it with Dr. Pepper. I can only sort of imagine what this might taste like, and what I’m envisioning is “soggy sandwich dipped in Dr Pepper” so…you know…hardly a taste sensation. And while I love peanut butter, the thought of drinking liquid peanut butter makes me feel desperately ill inside.

Pros: In theory, it has a classic comfort food taste. Drink it at work, and everyone will think you just got back from lunch instead of that you’re a lush. Cons: Seriously, what the hell do you mix it with? Liquid peanut butter. You could just dip a sandwich into Dr Pepper instead.

Would you drink PB&J Vodka?

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You could call this by its given name, Buttered Popcorn Vodka, or you could call it by my preferred (more accurate name), Regret In A Theater. Is it like chugging the butter-flavored oil they pump on to your garbage bag full of popcorn at the movies? Like licking the nuclear colored sludge in a bag of pre-popped microwave popcorn? Or is it like getting a delicate kiss from a buttered popcorn angel?

Pros: Buttered popcorn Jelly Belly beans sound god-awful, too, but they’re actually one of my favorites. Maybe a nip of this from a flask would keep you from ordering the $20 tub o’corn at the movies. Cons: It sounds GOD AWFUL. I have yet to taste a flavored vodka that believes in subtle anything, so I’m pretty sure this would be a full on tonsil-licking sludge kiss from a butter-flavored palm oil demon that leaves you feeling greasy from head to toe.

Would you drink Buttered Popcorn Vodka?

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