Posts tagged freak magnet

Freak Magnet: When even walking isn’t safe anymore.

This morning on my walk to work, I looked up and noticed a tiny asian man waving at me from a car near the carpet store. “What the hell?” I thought, and waved back.

I thought “WHAT THE HELL” with a different inflection when half a mile later, the same car was blocking my pathway, and the same tiny asian man was indicating that he wanted me to take out my headphones. He told me that he’d ‘noticed’ me, begged for my phone number, asked if he could pleaaaaaaaaaaase take me out to lunch sometime.

Thanks, guy. I would be flattered if you didn’t scare the hell out of me.

The rest of my way to work, I made certain to take pathways on which I could not be followed by car, walking down train tracks and on a bike path through woods. That’s an interesting start to the week.