Poll #1565300 Nom or Vom: ‘Creamy Ogre Filling’ Edition Open to: All, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 41
Would you eat this?
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nom nom nom
5 (12.2%)
vom vom vom 36 (87.8%)
I just…who thought this was a good idea? It’s like they took a twinkie and filled it with green baby shit.
The very first porn movie I ever saw was called ‘Sex Trek’. One of the more memorable moments (ok, the ONLY memorable moment) was when Spock got a blowjob and he came green (after she swished it around in her mouth with some food coloring)…it also kind of looked like this.
How tasty does it look now?
im not a fan of Twinkies to begin with so… this just looks like the impossible happened: the Twinkies went bad. what disease ridden hell lies within the bowels of this preservative stuffed atrocity?
Yeah, I voted VOM because twinkies are nasty regardless of color.
I’m also not a fan of twinkies in general but I would much prefer to eat a normal colored one over a green one.
new fetish
“hey baby help me cum like spock!”
Re: new fetish
Or like an ogre, whatever tickles your fancy.
Re: new fetish
I already do that.
Who blew Spock?
I don’t remember, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a named character.
a red shirt??!
It’s hard to be a redshirt when you’re naked. Also, she didn’t die.
wow, surviving Spock’s Jizz! she might have had a red shirt on BEFORE she was naked 😛
My stomach convulses just looking at this lol.
Yeah, when I get that reaction looking at something in a store, I know it’s time for a ‘nom or vom’ post.
AHAHAHA! That was the first porn movie I saw, too. Terrible!
It was AWFUL. I remember going to rent it with some friends and my boyfriend about the day after I turned 18. I don’t remember a whole lot about it other than thinking “THIS is what the fuss is about?”
Wow. That’s so wrong.
SURELY someone in marketing realized ‘creamy ogre filling’ was a bad choice. Surely.
It is seriously the same colour as the stuff I was hacking out of my pneumonia-infested lungs this past weekend.
The first color comparison that has made me want to hurl. Good job! 😀
The scary part is I’m not even exaggerating.
Mmmm, Twinkies with snot centers. Way to go, Hostess.
What about green sprinkles on the top, instead, Hostess? Granted, I probably still wouldn’t eat it if one was offered to me but ‘creamy ogre filling’? :shudder:
I’m obiviously coming up on week 3 of a diet… I would eat anything by hostess about now.
hahahahaha At least go for the ho-ho!
I don’t even like regular Twinkies.
Yeah, me too, but the green filling adds an extra repulsive touch, I think.
I wouldn’t eat this because it’s tied in with Shrek.
Are you principled about tie-ins in general, or specific tie-ins?
Kid’s movie (especially animated) tie-ins.
I had to think about it, because I had to come up with a reason why I was instantly opposed to this. However, there is no tie-in that would make me more willing to purchase something.
The products that tend to be tied-in, though–pastries and candy and sugar cereals and special flavors of soda–are these things that you would buy if they *weren’t* tied in to anything?
Some I might impulse buy, sure.
The only thing that could make this worse is if the Twinkies were chocolate. Green stuff oozing out of brown stuff is just… I can’t… I mean…
I was just thinking that a dark green twinkie shell would make these even more gross, but brown is also icky. Maybe that’s why the ho-ho didn’t get shrekified.
that is vile.
I think my favorite part is how the green stuff looks a little chunky.
Congratulations, you made these even *more* hurltacular!