Category Nom or Vom

Nom or Vom: Break me off a piece of that kit kat pizza

strawberry cones pizzavia Strawberry Cones

Japan is just CRUSHING the United States when it comes to creative junk food. We may have taken back the competitive eating title, but pizza toppings on chicken nuggets is child’s play compared to this stoner’s wet dream: pizza with gorgonzola, mangos, mixed nuts, honey-maple sauce and bakeable custard pudding kit kats, all topped with cheese. What?!

Pros: If you’ve ever thought “Man, I’d like to buy a pizza, and I also want to buy a candy bar but I don’t want to look like a pig”–PROBLEM SOLVED, it probably counts as one of your FDA recommended daily servings of fruit, it definitely makes for a more interesting dessert than the “sprinkle some cinnamon on our standard breadsticks and call it a day” thing that stateside pizza chains do, two cheeses are better than one

Cons: The mental image of a custard pudding kit-kat popping like a zit and oozing into one’s mouth, a number of powerful flavors battling it out on a relatively small surface area, is the illicit love of pizza and candy (much like Romeo and Juliet) going to cause your stomach to commit suicide?

Would you eat mango gorgonzola custard kit-kat pizza?

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Nom or Vom: Blue Balls the ice cream



Photo from Lick Me I’m Delicious

Lick Me I’m Delicious created a custom ice cream flavor for “an A-list celebrity client” (of course, your average butthole on the street isn’t going to dose all of his buddies with prescription drugs for funsies): champagne and Viagra. Each scoop of ice cream is dosed with 25mgs Viagra and flavored like champagne. Obviously the only way you’d be able to try this concoction for now is to make it yourself, but the question here is WOULD you eat it, not WILL you eat it. What say you, nom or vom?

Pros: Dude, not only did you eat ice cream and catch a buzz, you also caught a boner! High five! Or low five! You have a celebrity friend, congratulations! You’re basically eating exclusivity, that’s what it tastes like.

Cons: The potential for getting a boner for more than four hours because you ate too much ice cream, champagne headaches, alcohol and sugar headaches, the very real possibility that you’ll get a boner from this novelty item and then have nothing to do but waggle it around aimlessly in front of your so-called friends,  and any of the myriad side effects listed on boner commercials: Bladder pain, burning feeling in the chest or stomach, burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, “pins and needles” or tingling feelings, cloudy or bloody urine, dizziness, increased frequency of urination, indigestion, painful urination, upset stomach, tenderness in the stomach area, abnormal vision, anxiety, behavior change similar to drinkenness, bleeding of the eye, blurred vision, bone pain, breast enlargement, chest pain, chills, cold sweats, confusion, convulsions, cool and pale skin, deafness or hearing loss, difficulty concentrating, double vision, drowsiness, dry eyes, dry mouth, dryness, redness, scaling, or peeling of the skin, excessive hunger, eye pain, fainting, fast, irregular, or pounding heartbeat, feeling of something in the eye, fever or chills, severe headache, heart failure, hives, increased sweating, increased thirst, itching, lower back or side pain, severe nausea, nightmares, painful, swollen joints, prolonged, painful erection of penis, seeing shades of colors differently than before, sensitivity to light, shakiness, skin lesions with swelling, slurred speech, sore throat, sudden weakness, trouble breathing, unusual tiredness or weakness, blindness, diarrhea, ear pain, drooling, vomiting, failure to climax, ringing in ears….

Would you eat viagra ice cream?

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Nom or Vom: Like regular caramel corn, but more EXTREME.


Spotted in a gift shop on my trip to Colorado, I present to you: Mountain Dew Flavored Caramel Corn, for when you want all of the tooth-decay of “doing the dew” with added chewing.  Note that while this is Mountain Dew flavored popcorn, it does not actually contain Mountain Dew in its ingredients list, so you’re getting a knockoff. Plateau Droplets? Hill Sweat? Mound Moisture? I don’t know how you could get a proper soda flavor sans carbonation–without the carbonation, it seems like each piece has been carefully dipped in that uber-cloying soda fountain goo.

Pros: Now you can feel the urge to do parkour after eating as well as drinking, per serving, the popcorn is actually better (let’s not stretch it that far, I’ll go with “not as bad”) for you as the soda, maybe you have a vendetta against pepsico and enjoy sticking it to them a little

Cons: Soda fountain goo, inevitable hulls crammed up in your gums, the urge to do parkour, the whole point of drinking Mountain Dew is as a caffeine delivery system AND THIS HAS NO CAFFEINE, yellow #5, mouthful of “mound moisture”

Would you eat Mountain Dew flavored caramel corn?

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