Poll #1741041 Nom or Vom: Syrupy Goodness Open to: All, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 55
Would you eat this?
VOM VOM VOM 30 (54.5%)
Things to consider: gel-like consistency, the fact that you could make an actual root beer or orange float instead
Damn it. It was such a gorgeous day on Sunday that Jason and I made a trip to the tulip fields in Mount Vernon for the last day of the tulip festival. After some shenanigans while attempting to park (a flagger waved us into the lot and then a series of other flaggers waved us out again instead of directing us to a spot, causing us to have to run the flagger gauntlet again), we spent a few hours hanging out in the sunshine with brightly colored flowers. I wanted to sweep armloads of them out of the ground and stuff them in the car, but apparently that isn’t allowed, either. After we asked a stranger to take our picture and she somehow could not manage to push a button, we took a myspace photo and waited until we found someone more competent to ask to take our picture. This more competent person ended up being a 10 year old. Truly, children are our future.
“Feed me, Seymour!”