Poll #1489500 Put my balls in your mouth, they’re big & salty & brown
Open to: All, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 49
Sausage ball wrapped around an egg: would you eat this?
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26 (53.1%)
VOM VOM VOM 23 (46.9%)
Few things in life are as disgusting as a hard-boiled yolk.
I am anti-egg in general. When I deluded myself into thinking I was going to get into shape, I gagged down egg whites every morning, but it took a lot of effort to convince myself to eat them. Ugh.
MMM. Scotch eggs.
I agree, not only would I eat it, I have eaten them and paid for the privilege.
As much as I love both sausage and eggs (had ’em for breakfast this morning, as a matter of fact), eggs should only be eaten scrambled or as an omelet. Hard-boiled, NEVER.
So speaks The Phil.
(The) Phil
I am not a fan of the egg at all, Sam I Am.
Scotch eggs are delicious. I am speaking from wonderful, atherosclerosis-inducing experience.
Would nacho cheez injected with a syringe enhance or reduce the overall experience?
Nacho cheese is made from melted “my little ponies” so probably.
In my world, scotch eggs are the kind of late night garage food only eaten when one is desperately hungry.
I would have to be more than desperately hungry. I would have to be past the point of attempting to eat dirt. Ugh, they look SO foul.
Oh man, I would totally eat this. Even more if they deep fried it inside of dough. And added cheese. And maybe doused it with gravy.
How would you feel about a ranch dipping sauce?
Also good. If they could put this on a stick I’d be 100% sold on the concept.
I like the cut of your jib.
You know, we’re 10 months out from the next Puyallup Fair. Still plenty of time to perfect the recipe, build a little kiosk, create some signage. It will be *the* novelty snack of 2010!
You could offer a dessert option. With jimmies or something.
This is not a terrible idea. We both know that Puyallup fairgoers will eat ANYTHING. Especially if that something has jimmies on top.
Surely we took you to Dan McGuinness for Scotch eggs at least once when you lived in Memphis?
I am going to begin a mission to veganize this.
Well, there’s vegan egg substitutes, and vegan sausage substitutes, right? So I suppose it’s POSSIBLE. Though the egg substitutes aren’t in egg form, so I don’t know how easy it would be to hard-boil…
The vegan egg substitutes only work for baking. There is no hard-boilable vegan egg out there. I’ve made pretty good fried egg sandwich analogs with tofu, which is probably what I’d use for the egg: firm blended up with nutritional yeast for the yolk and silken for the white.
It would be difficult but well worth the effort.
You are so very awesome.
I’m a little disgusted that this actually has a name “Scotch Egg” it makes me want to puke.
I think anything with the word ‘scotch’ in it should involve actual scotch. Call me crazy, but I was hoping for some booze in the mix. Or at least a little scotchguard.
Scotch egg? Hells, yeah
I find the name to be misleading, frankly.
This poll answer came close to reality…
I was better off not knowing what that was…
Just the picture was enough?
I love eggs, and I love (turkey) sausage, but I don’t think I could bring myself to eat this.
What about combining the two do you find repulsive?
Seems like it would have a very weird texture, plus it’s probably salty and/or greasy. And I like my sausage with maple syrup!
it’s like astronaut breakfast.
scotch egg, of course! yum yum yum
It’s Egg and Sausage, conveniently together for your gustatory enjoyment. Looks great!