Category Masticating With Mellzah

Ultimate Cinnamon Rolls

I’ve tried a few different cinnamon roll recipes, and none of them have been quite perfect. They’ve always had an element that just wasn’t what I expect from a cinnamon roll. A friend had given me her recipe for the world’s perfect cinnamon rolls, and while her filling and frosting were perfect, the rolls themselves were hard and dry–and this was on my second attempt with them, halving the flour after the first batch was such a wreck that the dough wouldn’t even come together. I then ended up feeding these rock hard rolls to the members of my book club and I doubt they’ll be inviting me to host again any time soon. Since then, I’ve tweaked and tweaked and tweaked, and now I believe I finally possess the ultimate cinnamon roll recipe. Soft. Cinnamony. Delicious. But they’ll put you in your grave if you eat more than one.


Ultimate Cinnamon Rolls

Dough Ingredients:

2 1/4 tsp yeast (1 packet)

1/2 cup warm water

1/3 cup sugar

4 cups flour

6 tbsp melted butter

1 cup milk

1 tsp vanilla

2 tsp salt


Filling Ingredients:

1 cup butter at room temperature

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar (packed)

2 tbsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla


Frosting Ingredients:

12oz cream cheese at room temperature

1/2 cup butter at room temperature

2 tsp vanilla extract

4 cups powdered sugar



Mix together the yeast and water–make sure the water is at a happy yeast temperature. Too hot and it will kill the yeast, too cold and it won’t do squat. Take two tablespoons out of your measured sugar and add it to the yeast/water mix. Whisk together and then let stand for three minutes. Add 1 cup flour and stir. Add the rest of the flour, the sugar, the melted butter, the milk, and the salt. Process until the dough comes together and pulls away from the side of the bowl. Take your bread baby and put it in a bowl coated in cooking spray and cover it with plastic, leaving it in a warm place until it’s doubled in size (about two hours). While the dough is rising, make your filling and your frosting by blending all of the respective ingredients together. When your dough is ready, roll it out on floured surface, slather it with about half of the filling, roll it up lengthwise, and cut into one-inch segments. Take the remainder of your filling and coat the bottom of the pan you’re using with it. Place your rolls on top, cover them with a towel, and allow them to rise for another 45 minutes. Bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Makes ~20 rolls.


The bottoms of the rolls will be coated in caramelized sugar, the rolls will be fluffy, and the filling will be oozy and perfect. The frosting keeps the cinnamon from being overpowering, and they’re like little bites of fluffy cinnamon heaven, which is where you’ll be if you eat the whole pan. I made a half-batch tonight and we STILL will not be polishing them off. They’re so worth it, though.

“I’ve got the extra wine glasses but I’m still short a tandoori oven, an elephant, and four castrati.”

Last night, we attended a cooking class at Shamiana, one of our favorite restaurants. Their Major Grey Chicken Curry is a standout dish, and when we found out this class would teach us how to make it, we leaped on the opportunity. Over the course of two hours, we learned how to make vegetable cutlets, cucumber-peanut salad, the aforementioned major grey, beef vindaloo, pulao, raita, and mango yoghurt mousse. It wasn’t just a teaching class–as we were taught the steps, staff brought out all the courses for us to have a meal. By the time we finished the mango mousse, we were stuffed full. Everything on the menu was delicious, but I was surprised how taken I was with the cucumber peanut salad–it’s just cucumbers, peanuts, lime juice, green chilis, and a little sugar and salt, but the heat of the chilis contrasted wonderfully with the coolness of the cucumber.

I’m not going to type up all the recipes, but since the Major Grey is the dish that got me hooked, that’s the one I’ll share here:

Major Grey Chicken Curry

3 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breast, sliced thinly

1/2 lb onions diced (about 1 medium size onion)

1/4 cup curry powder, mild

1 1/2 cups whipping cream

pinch salt

2 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil

1 cup Major Grey Mango Chutney (mild), pureed

Green onions, chopped (green tops only)

Fry onion in oil until translucent (not brown. Whisk in curry powder. Cook 2 minutes. Whisk in chutney and cream. Add salt to taste. Saute sliced chicken breast in a small amount of oil with a bit of salt and pepper until cooked fully. Add the sauce and simmer for about ten minutes, watch the heat so the cream doesn’t separate. Garnish with green onions and serve. If you’d like your dish spicier, add chili powder, minced serrano peppers, or crushed red chili.

Pretty simple, no? I was surprised, too. I’m going to give it and the pulao a shot for tomorrow night’s dinner–here’s hoping I don’t screw it up! After dinner, we were allowed to go back into the kitchen to look at their tandoori oven and observe the process of making naan. Shamiana’s oven is a ceramic tandoori oven, as when they used clay, it would break about once a year, and then would require two weeks of seasoning before they could make naan, which impacted their business. This ceramic oven has been going strong for nine years!

Of course, we’re not going to get our very own home tandoori oven, so when we make at-home curries, garlic naan from Trader Joe’s will have to suffice. Or, I’ll have to give this recipe a try. Either way, I’m excited to expand my cooking repertoire!

“Ugh, I’m going to throw this crap away before I vomit.”

It’s fair time in Washington, which means it’s time to dress down, slather ourselves in sunscreen, and broaden our palates by eating things we normally enjoy, now battered and deep fried. In honor of this occasion, Jason and I rewrote the lyrics to Rebecca Black’s “Friday”, which served to pump us up and thoroughly annoy Tristan over the course of the forty minute drive to the fair:

It’s fair day, fair day, gotta get down on fair day Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend Fair day, fair day Gettin’ down on fair day Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend Corndogs and corndogs (yeah!) Funnel cakes and funnel cakes (yeah!) Fried fried fried fried Lookin’ forward to the weekend

Our game plan was fairly straightforward: Walk around the fair once to determine the foods we were going to attempt to cram down our throats, then eating round one commenced. After eating, we’d go to a barn to check out some animals, after which came food round two, then came checking out arts and crafts and the “miracle” As Seen On TV crapfest of booths, and then the third round of eating, the danger round, in which you consume the things you feel are most likely to kill you or cause you to violently eject the contents of your stomach over a square block. Round one was the scone round. I’m not typically a scone fan, finding them dry and bland. Fair scones, stuffed with raspberry jam and butter, are another story.

Then we looked at some mini-horses and some normal size horses and some really big horses, and then some chicks for good measure. If we collected one of each of the animals I squealed over and asked if we could take home, our backyard would now be quite a menagerie.

I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world, which does not leave a lot of room for pledging my computer to more spell-checking.

Round two was the krusty pup and funnel cake round. Jason’s funnel cake sense had been tingling all week, so when he received a burnt, overly dense funnel cake, it was a sad disappointment. He took a few bites and was ready to throw it away, Tristan took a bite and also declared it a piece of funnel crap, and I elected to pass in order to attempt to save room for the third round.

We made our way to the Hobby Hall, and couldn’t believe our eyes. Lurking inside were some of the ugliest and most horrifying pieces of artwork ever created. Ever.

“Hi, I’m Captain Nightmare!”

“Hi, I’m Bug-Eyed Sparkle Torture Jesus!”

“Hi, I’m a Lego model replica of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but you can call me by my nickname: Tasteful.”

“Hi, I’m a Lego model replica of the crucifixion of Jesus, complete with magic marker blood, made by an 8 year old.” Seriously, what 8 year old thinks “CRUCIFIXION!!!!!!” when it’s time to play with Lego bricks?

We were all too eager to leave the Hobby Hall to get to Round Three: The Danger Round, which took place at the Totally Fried booth, where anything you’ve ever considered eating has been coated in batter and deep fried. Tristan ordered deep fried butter and deep fried kool aid. I noted that they had deep fried Rocky Mountain Oysters, and since it was potentially the most vile thing on the menu and therefore a dare, I stepped up to order and consume some bull testicles for the entertainment of my friends and blog readers. However, they had not yet received their bull ball shipment and I was turned away empty-mouthed.

Deep fried butter on the left, deep fried kool aid on the right.

From others’ accounts of deep fried butter, it’s supposed to taste like REALLY buttery dough–that is, the butter inside should have all melted and absorbed into the coating. This was not the case. Tristan picked up one, and at least a quarter stick if not more of nearly solid butter dropped out from the batter. He gamely took a bite of the other, and butter squirtled (it was too solid to have merely “squirted”) out from the sides of the dough and his mouth. It was pronounced disgusting and we moved on.

It’s hard to imagine, but deep fried kool aid was even more disgusting. We all came to the table with different ideas as to what deep fried kool aid might entail–a puff of dry sugary powder in the middle, that the dough itself was infused with the kool aid flavoring, so the reality of it came as a surprise. We each took a bite, and we each made a horrible face. Deep fried kool aid can best be described as a ball of fried dough surrounding raw pancake batter flavored with cough syrup. It coated our tongues with the taste of evil. While Jason and I tried to flush our mouths with lemonade, Tristan ran off to throw it all away before getting another krusty pup to cleanse his palate.

Cause it’s fair day, fair day, Throwing up on fair day Everybody’s looking forward to some salad.