Date Archives May 2008

What Is The Worst Thing You Got?

I’ve been sifting through the music on my computer recently, listening to things I haven’t listened to in a long time, when I happened upon a gem of a song, something that is clearly, irrevocably, The Worst Thing I Got*. This is coming from someone who owns an Ed Wood box set. Who can glean moments of enjoyment from both House of the Dead and Manos: Hands of Fate. Believe me when I say this song tops all of those things.

I’m fairly certain I acquired this song through IRC, with the sender informing me that it was a GREAT song. I doubt I even listened to it once. Now, through a sense of duty to hilarity, I’m not certain it’s possible for me to delete it.

It starts with a man unironically reading perhaps the worst poem of all time, and then segueing into gutteral screams, followed by more awful poetry with vague racist undertones, some gothic gloom and doom and at that point, you still have not reached the very best part, as the very best part is where he starts passionately shouting color names. PURPLE!!!!!!!!!! BLUE!!!!!!!!!

I give you this, The Worst Thing I Got. Make certain to listen to it in a place where you will not feel compelled to restrain your laughter, as you will give yourself a hernia.

The Worst Thing I Got.

What’s The Worst Thing *You* Got?

*See: Achewood


Last night, Tristan and I went to see Dune at the Egyptian Theater. Nothing really says ‘fantastic evening’ better than Captain Picard riding a sandworm while guitars wail in the background, and I dare you to tell me otherwise.

I wanna put my tender…banana….in a blender

I finally got my blender yesterday! I broke it in this morning, making a slushy alcohol beveragehealthy smoothie. It could be nice, getting up early enough to make a breakfast of sorts and giving myself some time to get ready for work as opposed to the typical ‘hit snooze until I have to rush around in a cyclone of despair, all the while shouting ‘where are my goddamned keys?!?’ and arriving to work looking like a homeless person’ thing I normally do. In my defense, 6am tended to pack more of a punch until just recently, when the sun decided to join the party.